Severe Learning disabilities schools Primary Mental Health team (SWLSTG) (CAMHS in special schools)

Merton CAMHS provides primary mental health support to two severe learning disabilities schools in the borough of Merton: Perseid and Cricket Green

There are 2 primary mental health workers located between the schools 
and Merton CAMHS to provide:

- Assessment and treatment of children with Moderate to Severe Learning Disability and mental health, emotional or behavioural difficulties.

- The staff also work with families and assess the physical, psychological 
and emotional risks to the child, including those posed by parental mental health and substance misuse problems, and in partnership with 
other agencies, take the appropriate actions to safeguard the child.

- Provide support and consultation to staff in schools around the specific 
mental health needs of children and young people with learning 
disabilities and refer onwards to additional interventions (such as 
accredited parenting programmes) as appropriate.

- The CAMHS therapists also provide a link with the ‘Getting more help’ 
(Tier 3) learning disability team and to facilitate appropriate referrals 
from schools, primary care and the voluntary sector into CAMHS.